
happy Thanksmas! (or Christgiving?)

So, in approximately 3 hours, little sis and I will be driving out of the 'burgh and back home to Virginia. (downsizing from a city of 350,000 people....to a little town of about...ooooh.... 10,000?)

And the Bourquin family will commence celebration of Thanksmas.
(this is due to the fact that Dad will once again be MIA, overseas for Christmas this year....So, we're just getting in ALL the goodness this weekend.)

Thanksgiving + Christmas(early) = a weekend of Thanksmas/Christgiving SHENANIGANS!

and have I mentioned how happy I am to be spending it with these three?

*(except, not in swimsuits. of course....)

1 comment:

Molly said...

Hahahaha- I love this picture! Hope it was a fun time with your family! :)