
it's all a matter of perspective.

I love living in a place where 40-degree days feel warm.
(*honestly: there was no sass or sarcasm in that statement.)

Yesterday was a 40-degree day, which meant most of the snow in our yard began to melt (or at least turn into very slushy piles of mush).
But 40-degree days most importantly mean:
EVERYONE (at least on Lowland Dr.) washes their car.

I don't know what kind of crazy pittsburghers have...but, I've caught it.
Because I thought it was a good idea too.

So, surrounded by snow (and armed with a hose and a bucket of suds) I washed the volvo.

*it was only semi-painful when I plunged my hand into the VERY cold bucket of soapy water.

But, the volvo is now salt-free.
And I am one winter-car-wash closer to being a genuine Pittsburgher.

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