
{a few pictures}

well- i've been hoarding a stash of random pictures on my desktop that (individually) do not deserve a post...but, (conglomeratively) they just may be sufficient.
we'll see.

first of all: i looked up the names of the paint that we're using for the livingroom/dining room...(i believe i mentioned painting-adventures and paint-fume-asfixiation earlier)....BUT- here they are, New Penny and New Brick:
(which, on screen look rather tame) unfortunately---on walls, I'm afraid it's going to look a bit more like THIS:

Which could become a bit of a tragedy....
(we're hoping for the best, though. but- i mean, let's be honest here: orange walls are always going to be an adventure.)

alright- NEXT (and no, - sadly this was not a personal-eyewitness-photo) but, still- the fact that GRAVY-DISPENSERS exist? (there is just something very wrong with that) FUNDAMENTALLY wrong.

oh, and here is potentially the most precious little teacup/saucer combo. ever. which just makes me want to morph into some adorable tea-drinking, book-writing, scarf-knitting person...and stay home and drink tea all day. (and get a cat)
*winter is definitely my "hot-drinks" time of year...which is lovely, except that i prefer consuming them at the average temperature of about, oh....BOILING.
(so, that means that some days---like, today---my tongue is left with very-little feeling and angry-tastebuds.)

(UGH. so cute.)
so, i guess there are lots of fires in australia, currently? (or maybe they're all done now, but i'm just behind...) In any case- this little koala (according to news reports) was so hot from the burning forests, that he climbed into this big bowl of water on someone's back porch.
*note to self: in next life, live somewhere that koalas will randomly appear on my deck.

1 comment:

linda said...

i should make a post like this sometime, of all the random things on my desktop.

*loved the koala (i have many baby animals, too)*