

if my last post was about babies...obviously the logical thing to write about next would be grandmas.

(*in my case: this would be a nana)

My nana belongs to the part of society that is still a bit skeptical about all this new crazy technology happening everywhere...unfortunately, we have no mercy, and we force it upon her.
A few weeks ago, my parents flew out to see her, bought her a computer, and set her up an email account.

this is an excerpt from the gem of a letter I got from her a few days ago:

Hi Leslye,
I really do not have much to say. I hope you are alright and the snow is not getting you down. I went tochurch today . They were having a pot Luck fund raiser for the choir. I did not want to cook anything ,so I looked at fruit and cakes at the store yesterday. I decided on a carrot cake. There are alot of Philippino people in this church now and I never know what to eat. Any way I had a plate full.It all tasted good. It sure was nice of your Mom and Dad to get me this compute4r, even though I did not want them to. Now your Mom is pushing me to use it. I hope I am not boring you. Even my typing is bad these days. Thank heaven for the spelling check.
Bye for now. I Love You! Happy Valentines Day.
Love, Nana

my favorite part is definitely the philippino food at the potluck.

ooooooh, she's a funny one...


Stephanie said...

i see a purple rose, but i can't decide if this is purple nana, or your dad's mom. i think it's your dad's...? (i miss purple nana.)
and leslye! you look hott in that dress!! look at you!

Rachie said...

PURPLE NANA! goodNESS. i miss that lady.