
on a scale of 1 to 10....

how nerdy am I?

I'm really not sure...especially when it comes to the typography category of nerdiness...but I think it would be safe to say I'm close to a 9. (shameful!)

and that is why this little typographical-personality test just made my day.

and the verdict? (*which is straight from Pentagram, so you know it's going to be legit.)

I am a Baskerville Italic:
  • Rational
  • Understated
  • Traditional
  • Relaxed

Isn't it a beauty? (just look at that ampersand.....mmmmm....)

ok. maybe the nerd-o-meter just went up to a 9.5.

1 comment:

DeMo said...

My first try at the test gave me Dot Matrix. I think it's a fraud.