
she's baaaack!

(*and no...i'm not referring to my posting-hiatus)

it's the little SIS! (finally home from the hospital...after ELEVEN DAYS.)
*if she doesn't want to be my roommate: really, there are easier ways to get out of living with me.

but...we found out she has ulcerative colitis. (which is kindof like crohn's disease? and essentially...her colon slowly destroys itself? or, at least that's about as much as i could figure out) so- they pumped her full of all kinds of crazy pills/treatments/steroids...and finally a minor form of chemotherapy--and i think her colon is finally deciding to not hate her anymore (and cooperate a bit).

so (in summation) the last week and 1/2 have been preeeettty crappy. (and i have cried more than i have in...well...years) it's an awful feeling to see your little sister hallucinating from fevers, bruised from IVs, shaking from steroids, and skeleton-skinny....and feeling like you can't do anything about it.

and i am just really really glad it's over...


Molly said...

Oh Leslye! I'm so sorry about your sister. I've Wikipedia-ed (is that a verb?) your sister's colon thing...I hope everything works out- I'll definitely be praying for her!

And thanks for your birthday text! I got a new phone, so I didn't know who it was from until last night! You're sweet! :)

Stephanie Holderness said...

Oh, Leslye,

I really feel for you having to watch your sister suffering and going through something so hard. I can't imagine how scary that would be! I will br praying for her for sure. I know you love her so much! It was interesting to read this today(I am currently sitting in the empty campus cruscade office building in Tirana, Albania - and it's 10 at night - using internet and enjoying catching up on random blogs of people I love so much and never get to see while I wait for Ian to hopefully come back on Skype to continue our first live conversation in 2 weeks while he is also abroad in New Zealand)because I have realized some things about my little sister too. I hope that this story may comfort you some by Jesus' grace! I was in a seminar on Biblical financial perspectives today and at one point we were talking about the things we think of as ours that are really God's and that we need to give back to Him. Well my precious little sister came to mind first. I was kind of startled by that at first and then I started thinking about why... I really, really love her and am extremely attatched to her. I long to live together or at least really close again one day and I miss her a lot. I feel a lot of responsibility for taking care of her and making sure she does the right thing too. Well, in the 2 weeks I have been here in Albania I have had 2 bad dreams about her. In both of them she was being threatened. In the first one she stepped up and put herself in danger spiritually kind of and in the second one she was choking on some food and couldn't cough it up. I woke up unsettled both times and started praying for her. Today I was able to realize that I am holding onto my sister. I remembered that the Lord loves her more than I do and that she is His! He will always do what is best for her, He will always protect her and He will never leave her or forsake her. He will always guide her on the right path and He will guide her beside still waters and restore her soul. He will even make her feet like the Hinds' and allow her to go to the peaks. He will make her soar on wings like eagles. He will not allow her to be tempted beyond what she can bear. He will heal her broken heart, and He has prepared great things for her to do. He loves her more than I ever will! It was very freeing to release her into His hands. I don't know how your heart is doing. But Leslye, I hope and will pray that God's peace will guard your heart and mind throughout this. I am glad your sister is back home with you and I pray the Lord will completely heal her colon and restore her fully. I hope that you are both blessed with the treasure of being able to live together during this time! I love you and smile everytime I read your blogs. I am glad you are finding joy in hockey and gardening too! How fun! I can't wait to garden!!! : )