
spatchulas and miss sun•maid

so…at some point last year I managed to break my ice-scraper.
now- that’s not entirely tragic when you’re living in northwest Arkansas (where ice and snow is usually minimal)…and you live within walking distance of pretty much all of your life-activities.

however. the tragedy really sets in when you no longer live in northwest Arkansas, and instead- are living in a somewhat more frigid climate (where it snows, and ices... in October.)

so, for the past few days I have spent some extra quality time with the Volvo in the morning…and my trusty little spatula has done an acceptable job of substituting for an ice-scraper. (but, trust me: there is a reason that they sell ice-scrapers instead of spatulas. they work MUCH better.)

anyways- this morning (once again) I was out in front off my house, with my trusty spatula, de-icing the windshield…when I realized that the trashman (across the street) was definitely watching me.

now- (as an avid people-watcher) I really have no problem when people decide to return the favor, and I am the “watchee” instead of the “watcher”….BUT, trash-man was very obviously watching me. (we may want to use the term “stare” here.)

of course. I really can’t blame the guy…because (as it is Halloween today) I am not in normal-people-go-to-work-clothes. let’s just say that today I look a little bit more like the Sun•Maid Raisin Lady than I normally would on an average work day….

and really. who wouldn’t stare at the raisin-lady, using a large silver spatula, to get the ice off of her car.

(so, I said hello to the not-so-descreet-people-watching-trashman. and explained that yes, in fact, I was using a spatula on my car.) he wished me the best of luck, and then hopped on a large trash truck that miraculously appeared about that same time… and I’m pretty sure he told the truckdriver about the Sun•Maid Raisin Lady with the spatula…because there was definitely some goose-necking from the driver’s seat.

so, anyways.
happy Halloween everyone.

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